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Only for RUSSOFT participants
Dear colleagues,
We bring to your notice the results of the annual (by this time the 16th!) survey of the software development export industry in Russia which as ever has been conducted by RUSSOFT Association. In February-April 2019, we surveyed 175 market players (it is a record throughout the entire period of survey!). Additionally, we studied various sources of information and received expert assessments from dozens of directors of software developer companies.
Last year was marked by a significant growth of sales of Russian software industry on the Russian IT market, particularly of software development services. An important factor which had an impact on the growth of domestic market was a real digital transformation process deeply felt by Russian economy.
A deepening in the geopolitical conflict between Russia and the USA results in reduction of the share of the US and the EU markets in the total volume of foreign sales of Russian software and of software development services, at the same time the confidence in the future promotes a large rise of companies which aim at coming in these markets over the next two years.
Foreign sales of Russia have slightly increased on emerging markets, particularly in African countries. In the developing world Russia proved capable of providing alternative solutions in the security sphere, de facto offering these countries access to the “Digital sovereignty”.
The volume of foreign sales of software and of software development services of Russian companies grew by 10% and reached $9.7 billion. The cumulative volume of sales in Russia and abroad in ruble terms increased by 19% almost up to 1 trillion, and in dollar terms increased by 10.6% up to $15.8 billion.
Service companies hold positions on the list of the 100 top service companies in the world (according to IAOP). Russian software vendors continued to strengthen their position in “Gartner magic quadrants”, and the success of our companies in the information security sphere should be particularly noted.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank ToyOpinion for their long-standing efficient support of the study in gathering initial information. Thanks to our partner Associations who successfully and all by themselves provided collection of questionnaires in their regions: in Tomsk it is City IT (via SibEDGE), in Novosibirsk – SibAcademSoft, in Rostov region – InTechDon (via Inostudio Solutions), in Perm – Foresight. I would like also to thank HeadHunter for helping to gather information about situation on the Russian labor market.
And as it always has been, I wish to give kind words of gratitude to our chief analyst Dmitry Zhelvitsky for his enormous work on gathering information, for preparing the report, and for forming ratings of leading companies and universities.
We are very grateful to the Association of Computer and Information Technology Companies (AP KIT) and to our sponsors for long-standing support in carrying out the study.
I would also like to thank everyone who took part in the survey and provided information about their companies.
Best regards,
Valentin Makarov
President of RUSSOFT Association.
Only for RUSSOFT participants
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