
RUSSOFT’s business mission to Italy

18 сентября 2018

On September 11-12, 2018, the business mission of RUSSOFT and the Skolkovo Foundation in Bari, Italy, was held.


The event was organized by RUSSOFT on the initiative of the Lanit-Tercom Italia Srl. It was supported by the Government of the Puglia region, the Confindustria Bari-BAT Associations and the Distretto Produttivo dell’Informatica and the Russian Trade Mission in Italy.

A total of 13 companies took part in the business mission: members of RUSSOFT (Lanit-TercomAstraSoftInostudioPRV Media), MirCod, HART, Altarix, and start-ups representing the Skolkovo Foundation (MandarinbankOnline PatentJurisprudenceIPCHAIN , Heedbook and Call Insight).

The business mission was held to expand Russian-Italian business contacts and cooperation opportunities in R & D, joint software development and implementation of IT solutions of partners in both countries. The interests to Russian companies are the possibility of setting up offices in Italy to obtain EU resident status and work in the EU countries. For the authorities of Puglia the establishment of offices of Russian companies in the region means attracting investments and modern technologies, and creating skilled jobs.

On the first day of the business mission, the companies participated in the Fiera del Levante conference as part of the session devoted to discussing strategies for entering the Russian and Italian markets and identifying the most promising areas for creating joint IT projects. After the session, the companies became participants in the matchmaking, where they presented their products and answered the questions.

The second day the delegation visited the offices of local systems integrators and IT Cluster.

«Based on the words of representatives of the authorities and industrial associations of the Puglia region, the visit of the RUSSOFT delegation, held with the participation of companies of Skolkovo residents, was a serious event for them. Obviously, the level of development of business mission participants is interesting to Italian partners, because it meets the requirements of the world market, and the proposed interaction models meet the interests of both sides. The success of Lanit-Tercom is the first, I hope that others will follow it. Already now we with the Italian partners are planning the arrival of the delegation from Pulia to the PIIF (St.Petersburg International Innovation Forum) for participation in the RUSSOFT IT-Forum for more detailed acquaintance with the Russian partners» — said Valentin Makarov the president of RUSSOFT.

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