
In Russia create a complex able to remotely determine Oncology

18 апреля 2020

Scientific research Institute of distant radio (NIDAR included in RTI) develops hardware and software system that will enable remotely and non-invasively diagnose cancer and autoimmune diseases, told RIA Novosti the head of the scientific theme of the center “T” (Terahertz) NIIDAR Nikita Bobkov.

He noted that the already developed heavy-duty terahertz emitter, which enables a range of radiation at a distance of 10-12 meters. “This is effective from the viewpoint of increasing the capacity and, accordingly, the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment. That is, the human body does not have to penetrate needles, it is not necessary to cut,” – said the Agency interlocutor.

According to him, the work is funded by the enterprise, and its result should be terahertz hardware-software complex for noninvasive diagnosis and treatment software, which will be based on the basis of neural networks and recognize patients onkokletki and advise you accordingly.

He stressed that the complex may not only affect the cells, but also able to start the process of regeneration. “At a certain dose and frequency of radiation, a growing number of healthy cells. This will allow people to recover much faster, for example, after chemotherapy or radiation. If these developments are somehow able to bring us closer to more effective therapies and diagnostics for these diseases, we will consider that our mission is accomplished”, – summed up the representative of the NIIDAR.

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